Hyderabad (Telangana): The Chief Justice of Telangana State High Court Raghavendra Singh Chauhan on Saturday launched 'Cop vs Covid-19' a book that depicts the pictorial narration of the efforts put in by Hyderabad city Police amid Covid-19 pandemic.
The newly launched book depicts the work and the efforts of the Hyderabad police in battling the COVID-19 pandemic and helping the people.
Anjani Kumar Hyderabad Police Commissioner said that police with the support of Government and NGO's organizations have put in a lot of efforts to battle with COVID 19.
"The Telangana State High Court Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh Chauhan today launched the book 'Cop vs Covid 19' which is a pictorial narration of the effort put in by the Hyderabad city police to battle with the COVID-19 pandemic for the last eight to nine months."
"Hyderabad city police in collaboration with various departments of the government and NGO's is fighting against the Coronavirus pandemic. In the process, some of the Covid warriors have given the supreme sacrifice," he added.