Hyderabad: Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, who will represent Congress from the Chevella Lok Sabha seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha election, on Friday said that the party would win at least six to 10 seats out of the 17 seats at stake in Telangana.
"My campaigning for Lok Sabha election started on December 23 last year. Since last Christmas, I have been campaigning in my constituency. As part of campaigning, we have also sent cakes to celebrate Christmas to all churches in my constituency. In January, we have given pads to the students and also scholarships to the top tankers in my constituency. We are way ahead than the TRS party in campaigning," Reddy told media here.
"This is the reason Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has changed the Chevella MP contestant for TRS four times. The cadre of the TRS party is very weak as the popularity of the party depends on one family. We are assured to get at least six to 10 seats in coming Lok Sabha elections. All the great performers in TRS party including Harish Rao have been sidelined. People with criminal records and those who are against the party have been given prominence," he added.