Mulugu (Telangana): Launching a scathing attack on Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, Congress MLA, Seethakka on Saturday said that the former has been "in quarantine" from the past six years as he has stayed far away from the people and their issues.
The Congress MLA said, "Our Telangana Chief Minister has been in quarantine from the past six years and he has been far away from the public, either in his farmhouse or Pragathi Bhavan. The people are facing many issues, he is not meeting them nor the representatives. He is not solving any issues. The only thing he is giving his attention to is towards the opposition party that is Congress."
The MLA alleged that Telangana chief minister was conducting arrests across the state of Congress leaders, who she said were attempting to bring out the problems faced by people of the state.