Telangana:A tragic incident took place in Siddipet's Chinnakodur mandal where the Collector's gunman allegedly died by suicide by shooting himself with a gun after killing his wife and two children. The deceased was identified as Akula Naresh, who worked as a gunman for Siddipet Collector Prashanth Jeevan Patil, hailed from Ramunipatal in Chinnakodur, wife Chaitanya, son Revanth and daughter Himashree.
Meanwhile, Naresh did not go to work on Friday morning and shot his wife and children with the 9 mm pistol he had brought with him earlier. Soon after the incident, the accused reportedly died by suicide by shooting himself.
However, office staff went to his house when he did not reach the office and found four people in a pool of blood and informed the police immediately. Thereafter, the bodies were shifted to the hospital for post-mortem, as per the police report.