Hyderabad:In a jibe aimed at the BJP, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) gave a sarcastic welcome to Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday, who was in Hyderabad to attend the 54th CISF Raising Day celebrations held for the first time in the city. In continuation with its poster attacks aimed at the saffron party, a 'Washing Powder Nirma' hoarding was spotted at JBS junction in the city.
The hoarding read 'Welcome Amit Shah'. It featured morphed pictures of the famed 'Nirma' girl with faces of BJP leaders, who have jumped ship to the saffron party from other parties. It had faces of Himanta Biswa Sharma, Narayan Rane, Suvendu Adhikari, Sujana Chowdhary, Arjun Khotkar, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Eshwarappa and Virupakshappa. Incidentally, all these leaders were probed by various corruption agencies, but their charges were either dropped or reduced or not mentioned at all by the ruling party ever since they joined the BJP.
Also read:Delhi liquor policy case: Kavitha summoned again on Mar 16
This makes the BJP a large laundry service where 'tainted' leaders from various political parties join the saffron party to 'cleanse' themselves or absolve themselves of all charges, the Opposition parties have highlighted. These posters have come up in the city after Telangana Chief Minister KCR's daughter K Kavitha appeared before the Enforcement Directorate in connection with the Delhi excise policy case. The probe agency has questioned Kavitha since she is allegedly a member of the supposed 'South Group', which had benefitted from kickbacks in the new Delhi liquor policy, which has now been scrapped.
'Bye Bye Modi' posters also came up across Hyderabad, which mimics the advertisement of the well-known detergent brand 'Tide'. Just like the 'before' and 'after' pictures of the Tide commercial, which shows dirty laundry getting cleaned just with a swipe of 'Tide', the poster showed 'before' and 'after' pictures of three popular politicians from three different states, who had corruption charges levelled against them, but soon their charges got cleared as soon as they joined the BJP. Instead of a 'Tide' swipe, the detergent reads 'Raid' and the politician's vests change from white to saffron after the detergent swipe. The poster also read 'True Colour Neve Fades' beside BRS MLC K Kavitha's picture.
Speaking to news agency ANI about these posters, senior BJP leader and former MLC, N Ramchander Rao said that the BRS leaders have developed a habit of displaying hoardings without naming themselves. This is because they are afraid of being probed by law enforcement agencies themselves. The hoardings with these messages are being done using public money to spread hatred, he alleged.