Hyderabad: Hitting back at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his remarks on the BRS Government, Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao on Saturday said the PM has insulted the people of the state by setting up a Rs 520 crore wagon factory while "taking away" a Rs 20,000 crore rupees locomotive factory to Gujarat.
Referring to PM's comments that there are thousands of teacher posts vacant in Telangana, KTR said it is like "pot calling the kettle black" as the centre is not filling more than 16 lakh central government jobs and is permanently privatising jobs in public sector organisations. "Before speaking about the vacancies in state universities, the PM should fill all the vacancies in the central universities across the country. The prime Minister should respond to the issue of the Governor not clearing the legislation brought out by our government on the filling of jobs in universities," the minister said.