Hyderabad (Telangana) : Karimnagar MP and BJP Telangana state president Bandi Sanjay Kumar, who is the main accused in class 10 Hindi question paper leak case, was granted bail on Thursday late night. The bail was granted after arguments that went on for eight hours till 10 o'clock in the night with conditions granted by the court not to act to influence the witnesses.
As the police filed a petition to hand him over to their custody, there was suspense throughout the day on Thursday. The Warangal police arrested Bandi Sanjay in this case on Wednesday and took him to Karimnagar jail. Hanumakonda District Chief Munsiff Magistrate Rapolu Anitha conducted a long hearing on the bail application filed by Bandi Sanjay's lawyers on Thursday.
Later at 10 o'clock in the night, the court ordered to grant bail. Along with a personal surety of Rs 20 thousand, several conditions have been imposed. Bandi was told not to leave the country and not to act in a way that could influence the witnesses and ordered to cooperate with the police in the investigation of this case.
Sanjay is likely to be released on Friday morning. On the other hand, the High Court has issued notices to the state government regarding the petitions filed separately by Sanjay and BJP.
The BJP ranks heaved a sigh of relief as the magistrate granted conditional bail after about eight hours of arguments. As per the orders of the court, the Magistrate issued orders to the superintendent of the Karimnagar Jail to release Bandi Sanjay after two persons submitted surety bonds. According to the rules, if the bail orders are received by the jail authorities before 5.30 pm, they will be released before night. It seems that Sanjay is likely to be released after 7 am on Friday due to the court order being issued at night.