Hyderabad: BJP candidate and former MLA Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy went in a huge procession and filed nomination for the Munugode byelection in Nalgonda district in Telangana here on Monday. Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, party State incharge Tarun Chug, party State President Bandi Sanjay and other senior leaders took part in the nomination rally held by the party cadres.
The Munugode bypoll was necessitated following the resignation of Rajagopal Reddy to his Assembly membership. Simultaneously, he resigned from the membership of Congress party and shifted his loyalty to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The saffron camp is in upbeat mood in the wake of former MLA re-contesting the election on their party ticket.
BJP top leaders Tarun Chug and Sunil Bansal have lined up meetings with the State and local leaders to step up their campaign to win the election. Already, the BJP State president has instructed the mandal level incharges not to leave the constituency till the election is over. Former Minister Etela Rajender, MLA Raghunandan Rao and other leaders also took part in today's nomination rally of Rajagopal Reddy.