Hyderabad: Former member of Rajya Sabha, M A Khan in his letter to senior Congress Leadership said the Indian National Congress Party has completely failed to persuade the public that it can reclaim its former grandeur and lead the country forward. The resignation of a veteran leader from the grand old party in Telangana on Saturday is yet another jolt to Congress.
“As long as you are actively serving as the party’s president, you meticulously followed the consultative process within the party, and you accorded the highest value to the opinion of the senior leader who has dedicated their lives to the party for decades, the party is strong and in a position to fight for the cause of the country,” he said.
He further said that had been associated with the party for over four decades right from his student days. The voice raised by G23 senior leaders for the welfare and well-being of the party was seen as dissident by the leadership. Things would have been different if those leaders had been trusted and their suffering and agony for the Party’s restoration understood, the letter said.
“The senior leaders are forced to resign from the party because the top leadership is not making any attempts to reactivate the party’s grassroots cadres and continue serving the country with the same commitment and dedication that the party demonstrated under the leadership of Pandit Nehru, Indira Gandhi Ji, Sanjay Gandhi Ji, and Rajeev Ji. Given the situation, I had no choice but to decide to stop participating in the Party’s operations,” Khan said.
“I, therefore, have no option except to disassociate myself from affairs of the Congress Party, hereby tender my resignation to the primary membership of the Indian National Congress (INC) party with immediate effect,” he wrote.