Armoor (Telangana):The BJP will do away with the four per cent reservation provided to Muslims if it comes to power in Telangana, asserted Union Home Minister Amit Shah. He said that the Centre is setting up a Turmeric Board for turmeric farmers and through the board, the turmeric farmers will get remunerative prices for their produce.
Amit Shah, who is currently touring Telangana as part of the election campaign, participated in a public meeting in Armoor of Nizamabad district in Telangana. Later, speaking to the media, he said that a hospital would be established for the beedi workers in Nizamabad. Shah said that lakhs of people are migrating from North Telangana to the Gulf as they have been deprived of jobs in the state. Therefore, the NRI Ministry is striving for the welfare of the migrant workers.