Hyderabad:Taking exception to the press note issued by the Andhra Pradesh Crime Investigation Department (CID) on alleged irregularities by Margadarsi Chit Fund Private Ltd, the All India Association of Chit Funds on Thursday claimed that there were no complaints against the firm.
The body in a press release said the CID is comparing registered chit companies with Ponzi and multilevel marketing companies like Sahara, Sharadha, or Satyam Computers whose failure was on account of the misuse and misappropriation of public funds. The association also said what chit funds accept from their subscribers are not deposits at all and with the kind of assets they have, it is impossible for Margadarsi to run away with public funds.
Even assuming that there was/is any violation on the part of a financial intermediary, the solution lies in getting it corrected, as is the practice even with RBI, and not by any coercive steps, and publicity, as is being seen now. Creating a scare among the subscribing public can only fast forward the alleged damage and hence our concern." The body further said it is worth mentioning that there is no complaint from the public on the misuse or misappropriation of their funds or any delay in getting their chit amount from Margadarsi.