Hyderabad: Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) working president K. T. Rama Rao on Saturday said Telangana and Andhra Pradesh may have separated as geographical entities but personal affection between people of two states remains the same. Rama Rao, who is also minister for industry, information technology, municipal administration and urban development, tweeted on Saturday, a day after attending the wedding of Andhra Pradesh's minister for municipal administration and urban development Botcha Satyanarayana in Hyderabad.
KTR, as Rama Rao is popularly known, wrote that he was overwhelmed with the love from his brothers from Andhra Pradesh. "While we may have been separated as two separate geographical entities; Telangana & Andhra Pradesh, personal affections remain the same," tweeted KTR, who is son of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao. KTR also posted a video in which he is seen greeting and exchanging pleasantries with Satyanarayana and other ministers from Andhra Pradesh and also leaders of Andhra Pradesh's ruling YSR Congress Party, Congress and BJP.
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