Hyderabad (Telangana): The main accused Naveen Reddy, who has allegedly kidnapped BDS student Vaishali in Manneguda under Adibatla police station, has been arrested in Goa. On December 9, Naveen and his supporters had allegedly attacked Vaishali's house and took her away forcefully. During this, they had vandalised the house and beaten up the family members too. The kidnapping took place on Vaishali's engagement day.
Naveen had since then left Vaishali and gone underground after knowing that the police have registered a case and conducting raids to nab him. Special teams were constituted to find out the accused. He has been arrested by the police from Goa's Candolim Beach on Tuesday. Naveen Reddy is being brought to Hyderabad by the Telangana police from Goa.
Also Read-T'gana: Armed youths vandalise house, kidnap young woman on engagement day