Vikarabad (Telangana): In an unfortunate incident on Thursday, five persons were killed as a lorry collided with an auto at Kerelli Bacharam Bridge in Dharur Mandal. Three died on the spot while two succumbed to injuries in the hospital. The injured are undergoing treatment at Vikarabad Government Hospital.
5 killed as lorry rams into auto in Vikarabad
The police reached the spot and took the driver of the lorry into custody.
5 die as lorry clashes into auto in Vikarabad
Also read:Two dead, eight injured as bus collides with tanker in Agra
The Vikarabad Police reached the spot and arrested the lorry driver. Police officials said, "The deceased identified as auto driver Jameel and passengers Hemla, Ravi, Kishan, and Soni Bhai. All the victims were residents of Madanathapur of Peddemul Mandal. The incident took place while they were going to Vikarabad for labor work."