Telangana: A 24-year-old woman, Anvitha Reddy, resident of Yerrampalli Village, Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district of Telangana, crossed another crucial milestone in her success story. She climbed Mount Everest at an altitude of 8,848.86 meters above sea level in five days from the base camp. Anvita Reddy is trained by Shekhar Babu Bachinepalli, Head of Transcend Adventures in Hyderabad.
Anvitha Reddy departed from Hyderabad on April 2 and reached Nepal on April 4. She spent a few days in Kathmandu (capital of Nepal) and then went to Lukla in Nepal. She walked for nine days, a total of 5,300 meters and reached Mount Everest base camp on April 17. Rotations were completed on the mountain for a few days. During a rotation, she climbed up to an altitude of 7,100 meters.