Hyderabad: The 110-year-old Indian cinema festival kicked off at the world's largest Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad on Thursday. People have begun thronging the festival venue in hordes to have glimpses of cinematic entertainment and carnival parade experiences dished out for the visitors. The celebrations, which began on October 12 will continue for 46 days. A huge footfall of visitors and tourists on the Ramoji Film City campus will be a regular feature for the next 46 days.
The 110 years of Indian cinema festival has been reaching its crescendo at Ramoji Film City, which is also known as the heaven on earth. The Ramoji Film City is all decked up with colourful lights and decor to welcome visitors. Various fun games and entertainment have been lined up for the tourists to enjoy the moments to the hilt.
A plethora of performances and stage shows are keeping the audience enthralled and spellbound at the festival venue. There are endless entertainment programmes and surprises in store for the tourists at Ramoji Film City. Participants attending the Carnival and Parade are taken to another world offering serene scenic beauty and charm.