Hyderabad: In a goodwill gesture, an 11-year-old girl from Hyderabad raised nearly Rs 9.4 lakh to help the poor amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19.
Ridhi, a class VI student, collected money from various sources including Milaap, a crowdfunding platform, to support the people reeling from poverty during these tough times.
"When the lockdown was announced, my daughter was worried about fulfilling her own needs for the coming days. But, after watching the news about the sufferings of the poor, she was moved. Later, she thought of supplying basic essential kits to the poor," Shilpa, Ridhi's mother, told Media.
"She first donated her pocket money and later distributed 200 kits to the poor which included -- 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of dal, 1 kg of salt, packets of chilli powder and turmeric powder, 1 kg of cooking oil and two soap bars," Shilpa added.