Hyderabad: The rising cases of abductions, estimated at around 1,000, are keeping police in Hyderabad on tenterhooks. According to police, six to seven 'supari gangs' are working overtime in Asif Nagar, Pahde Sharif, Chandrayanagutta, Katedan, Baarkaas, and some other areas. These gangs with links to interstate criminals are trigger-happy and do not hesitate to kill their targets for money.
The arrest of a hardened criminal, who acted at the behest of the sister of a rich man earning up to one crore a year, is a case in point. The abduction occurred in Cyberabad.
The main accused in this case, Suresh alias Surya, was a mastermind in more than 20-30 kidnapping cases in the past. Now, he is giving a slip to Asifnagar police. Suresh, who is from Bhojagutta is a hardened criminal and his elder brother Sudhakar was also engaged in theft when he was still a minor. He was imprisoned for 14 years. The modus operandi of Suresh, who followed the footsteps of his elder, is different.
He sends friend requests to preferably young men and women from fake profiles of girls on social media. When lures them and dupes money in the course, police said. Cases of similar crimes are on the rise and the factor has instilled fear among citizens, police said.
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