Trichy (Tamil Nadu):When a 33-year old hairdresser in Chinthamani, Tiruchirappalli died following a road accident, his wife and two small children were at a crossroad. Having lost the sole breadwinner of the family, his 32-year old wife Patricia Mary had lost all hopes. She had the daunting task of raising her 12-year-old daughter Ranjani, and 10-year-old son Ranjith. When Ruban Shanmuganatham (33) died, he had not left them with anything.
The task of raising Ranjani and Ranjith fell on the shoulders of Patricia Mary in 2014. Survival became a big challenge for the single mother. Ruban was running the 'New Vemble Saloon' in Chinthamani.
After his death, the shutters remained closed. Having been pushed to the corner, Patricia started searching for a worker to man the saloon. It became highly difficult to hire a hairdresser.
When no one came forward to work in the saloon, Patricia started attending to the customers and began cutting the hair of the customers herself. Initially, people were reluctant to visit the place since they had never seen a woman cutting the hair and shaving faces of men.
With time, however, people including youth and children became regular customers attracted by Patricia's good work. She has been handling the saloon for nearly seven years now and has earned a good name for herself.
Patricia had not only beaten poverty but also odds to establish herself in the male-dominated profession. Talking about the profession, Patricia said, "I have been engaged in the profession for nearly seven years. We were shocked by the death of my husband. We were searching for a worker to maintain the saloon. As none came forward for long, I decided to run and manage it."