Chennai:Painting the ruling DMK as anti-Hindu will not cut ice with the people of Tamil Nadu and the Sangh Parivar's balloon of inflated lies could be easily pricked with the needle of truth, Chief Minister MK Stalin said urging the party's social media team to expose their disinformation campaign with facts.
Addressing the Social Media Volunteers of the DMK IT Wing in the city, Stalin, also president of the DMK, said, “Hitler had one Goebbels. But, the BJP is a multitude of all Goebbels put together. They indulge in slander campaigns against anyone at their whims, reeling out lies sans any evidence with no iota of compunction. All that they know is WhatsApp University and spread canards since there is a herd willing to swallow them. With all their might, they inflate those falsehoods.”
But, they get irritated when their balloon of lies are easily pricked by the needle of truth, he quipped adding, “We are now confronting BJP and the AIADMK, both enemies of the people. Our battle is against fascism. We are facing a mob that is bent upon wrecking the nation by dividing the people on communal and casteist lines. The fascism of the BJP is not only a threat to the DMK or Tamil Nadu, but to India as a whole and the world. Not only their political rivals, but everyone from media persons to progressives and human rights activists are facing threats and intimidation. However, we cannot be cowed down, for we have seen all of them TADA, and POTA. Hence, the slander to discredit us.”
Taunted often for his wife Durga's frequent temple visits, though the DMK is wedded to rationalism, he said, “Their primary job now is to monitor which temple Durga Stalin is visiting. Then, posting that photograph, they carry out a campaign saying 'See she is offering worship at temples'. Durga is visiting every temple in the state. It is her desire and I am not preventing it. We are only opposed to Aryan hegemony and not to spirituality.”