Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Polling for the Tamil Nadu Urban local body polls is underway. The polling began at 7 am on Saturday amid tight security and strict adherence to Covid-19 protocols. The polling will continue till 6 pm. The last one hour of the polling, however, has been reserved for Covid patients.
In all, 57,770 candidates are in the fray for over 12,500 ward member posts in 21 Corporations, 138 municipalities and 489 town panchayats across the state, which are being held after a gap of 11 years.
State Election Commissioner V Palani Kumar said that of the 30,735 polling booths set up across the state, 5,960 were categorised as sensitive booths. Polling in the sensitive booths is being streamlined live and CCTV cameras are installed in 268 counting centres.
Palani Kumar said voters cannot carry mobile phones in the booths. Other than voter ID cards, voters can use 11 other documents as identity proof. Heavy rush is seen in several districts of Tamil Nadu, including Chennai, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Madurai, Erode, Salem, Tirunelvelli and Kanniyakumari.