Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Many controversies surrounded Lekshmana Chandra Victoria Gowri before she took oath as an additional judge of Madras High Court with the Supreme Court also the petitions challenging her appointment shortly later. Justice Gowri has been drawing criticism for her controversial remarks against religious minorities and her alleged links with the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Justice Gowri’s elevation was opposed by a group of Chennai advocates who wrote to the President. They accused her of delivering “hate speeches” against Muslims and Christians. The lawyers cited instances where Victoria Gowri was seen making 'hateful' remarks against minority communities. The lawyers alleged that it reflected her 'regressive views' and 'deep-rooted religious bigotry'. This made her unfit to be appointed as judge of the High Court.
Foremost allegation among the grounds on which Gowri's elevation was challenged was an interview of hers with Bharatmarg captioned “More Threat to National Security & Peace? Jihad or Christian Missionary? Critics alleged that in the said interview, Gowri said these objectional words, "like Islam is green terror, Christianity is white terror."