Hyderabad: Police requesting the residents to keep them posted about their locked houses is not something new. But the Vellore District Police in Tamil Nadu has taken it to the next level by initiating simple technology. They have introduced Google Doc and QR code and prodding the residents to inform about their locked houses in case they have to go on long trips.
In his recent Tweet, Vellore ASP Albert John has unveiled this facility. "Public of Vellore town can inform police if they are leaving their houses overnight. We will keep an eye over your locked houses. Anybody can fill this simple form by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code", he tweeted.
When clicked, the Google Doc requests the user to fill in the basic information. The information requested includes the name of the house owner, address, any valid identity card. The house owner had to fill the date of departure and date of return in the form, mentioning the nearest police station and add their mobile number.
ASP Albert John told ETV Bharat over the phone that it is a simple 'low code' method of collecting information from the public. The usual practice is that police go on Beat Patrol every day and physically take note of the locked houses. On average, police spot 100 to 150 houses every day in town limits but there are chances that some houses could be missed out. "We usually request the public to provide their details in nearby police stations. Instead of visiting the police station in person, we are asking them to use simple technology in which they have to log in their details from the comfort of their homes and leave for long trips", he said.