Chennai: Famous Tamil lyricist Vairamuthu on Saturday returned the ONV literary prize after various sections of women society protested against the award to the songwriter who is facing "MeToo" charges.
He requested that the cash prize of Rs three lakh announced by the academy be given to the Kerala Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund.
He said that he did not want the jury to face embarrassment and blamed 'vendetta' behind the decision to reconsider the award by the ONV Cultural Academy.
He also announced his contribution of Rs two lakh towards the same, as a "token" of his love for Kerala and its people.
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Wondering if the protests were aimed at "belittling" him and Kurup, Vairamuthu said he wanted to make sure that the "scholarly jury should not be pushed to embarrassment.
"Therefore, I only desire to avoid receiving the award amid controversies," he said.
Indicating that he was very straightforward, Vairamuthu said "there is no need to rub my truthfulness."
"Therefore I have taken a strong decision and I am announcing it with love and clarity. I am returning the ONV Literary Prize to the ONV cultural academy," he said in a video posted on his official Twitter handle.
"I am being a man of truth throughout my life and do not try testimony my truth ever," he said in the video message.
On Friday, the ONV Cultural Academy had said it has decided to review the decision to grant the fifth ONV Literary Prize to Vairamuthu.
The academy's decision came in the wake of mounting protests from various quarters to give the award to the Tamil songwriter and poet who is facing "MeToo" accusations.