Ramanathapuram (TN):Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who on Friday launched the Tamil Nadu BJP's padyatra in Rameswaram, visited the Rameswaram Ramanathaswamy temple on Saturday morning to pay his obeisance, sources said. Shah visited the temple soon after flagging off the six-month long yatra 'En Mann, En Makkal'(My land, my people).
L Murugan, the Union Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Dairying Information and Broadcasting, and Tamil Nadu BJP President Annamalai accompanied the union Home Minister during his visit to the temple. Takin to Twitter about his temple visit, Shah wrote, "Rameshwaram Temple is an intact symbol of the antiquity and splendor of Sanatan Culture. Lord Rama worshiped Lord Shiva at Sri Rameshwaram, one of the 12 Jyotirlingas. Today, on the auspicious occasion of 'Adi Thiruvijaha', I am feeling very pleasant and fortunate to visit here. He prayed to Bholenath for the prosperity of the people and the prosperity of the nation".
Also read:Amit Shah trains his guns on DMK, predicts TN will witness change in the elections