Uttapalayam (Tamil Nadu):Two persons were killed and as many critically injured when their two-wheelers were hit by a speeding bus on the Cumbum-Uttamapalayam road in Tamil Nadu. The entire incident was caught on the dashboard camera of the bus, official sources said.
The deceased were identified as Sivanandi - the man who was riding a bike and a ticket checker, while the injured include Renuga and Kathirvel.
The footage sourced from the camera mounted on the dashboard of the private bus shows the bus hitting the two-wheeler carrying Sivanandi and Renuga as they try to cross the road. While Sivanandi died on the spot, Renuga was rushed to Theni Government hospital and is undergoing treatment, they added.
The ticket checker died after he flung out of the bus' windshield following the impact of the collision and died on the spot after the bus ran over him.