Chennai: Tamil Nadu Raj Bhavan on Thursday contested the claims of the DMK government on the matter of according sanction to prosecute former Ministers in the previous AIADMK regime. A day after Tamil Nadu Law Minister S Regupathy wrote to Ravi requesting him that he should 'not delay any further' his sanction to prosecute former AIADMK Ministers and clear the 13 Bills pending with him for his assent, the Governor's office reacted.
An official Raj Bhavan release, with a heading 'the facts are as under' said: "With respect to B V Ramanaa @ B Venkat Ramanaa and Dr C Vijaya Baskar, the cases have been investigated by the CBI and these are under legal examination." As regards the DVAC's (Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption) case against K C Veeramani, "the same could not be acted upon due to the fact that the State government has to submit a duly authenticated copy of the investigation report for further action."
The statement said Raj Bhavan has not received any reference or request in respect of M R Vijaya Bhaskar from the State government. All the persons named in the statement had been Ministers in the AIADMK government. There was no reference in the press release on the pending Bills flagged by the Tamil Nadu government. The Raj Bhavan's statement referred to 'media reports' on the letter of the Law Minister on the matter.