Chennai:The naval air station, INS Parundu, in Tamil Nadu has warned that it will destroy any drone flying within its 3-km radius. A statement from INS Parundu situated in Uchipuli of Ramanathapuram district on Friday said that there is a prohibition on the flying of non-conventional aerial objects, including remotely piloted aircraft (RPS) or Drones within a 3 km radius of the naval air station.
Ever since China took over the Hambantota port on lease for a period of 99 years with more than 70 per cent of the stakes of the port vested with the China Merchants Port Holdings Company Private Limited (CM Port), Indian defence establishments have been on a high alert.
The Chinese control of Hambantota port, which is hardly 100 miles from Tamil Nadu, has always been a matter of concern for India and given the drone attack in Jammu, the intelligence agencies had given high alert to the Southern Coastal line and hence the statement from INS Parandu.