Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): In this epic journey of a mother and daughter, you will find housemaid-turned-weightlifter Masilamani giving her all to see her daughter rise to greater heights in powerlifting. Living up to her expectations, daughter Dharani won the silver medal by coming second in the national powerlifting competition held in Chennai last week. Now, the proud daughter aims at making it to the Olympics.
The mother-daughter first grabbed everyone's attention by winning gold and bronze medals in their respective categories in the state-level competitions held in Trichy. How did Masilamani, who used to work as a housemaid, become a weightlifter? How did her daughter get interested in this field? We reached out to them in Coimbatore to find out. Masilamani works as a housemaid while her husband Ramesh is a laborer. Masilamani explains how she first got interested in weightlifting. Owners of houses where she worked, advised her to do exercise because she was obese.
Masilamani's success story is indeed inspiring as she initially took to weightlifting in her bid to fight overweight. She never expected that the sport she chose, ignoring comments by friends and relatives, would eventually put her as well as her daughter in the spotlight now.