New Delhi:Tamil Nadu Minister V Senthil Balaji has moved the Supreme Court challenging the Madras High Court order allowing the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to take him into custody for questioning in connection with the cash for jobs scam. On July 14, in a major setback for the ruling DMK and the arrested Tamil Nadu Minister Balaji, Madras High Court dismissed as not maintainable the Habeas Corpus Petition filed on his behalf by his wife, Megala, and upheld the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) power to take him into custody.
After marathon hearings which lasted for three days, Justice CV Karthikeyan delivered the verdict. Upon his arrest by the ED past midnight on June 13, he was hospitalised and then remanded and granted custody by the Principal Sessions Judge. Then, hearing the HCP, a Division Bench allowed him to be shifted to a private hospital where he underwent heart surgery. Megala filed the HCP, contending that the arrest was in contravention of established procedures, violating fundamental rights.
On the political front, Chief Minister MK Stalin retained him as a minister without portfolio, and the DMK had rallied behind Balaji, arrested under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Post-surgery, he is still recuperating at the hospital. The case was placed before Justice Karthikeyan after the Division Bench of Justices Nisha Banu and D Bharatha Chakravarthy pronounced a split verdict.