New Delhi:Tamil Nadu Health minister Ma. Subramanian on Thursday met Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and has appealed to him to exclude Tamil Nadu from the upcoming NEET exam. Ma. Subramanian in his appeal to Minister Pradhan said, that the State government's opinion is that the class 12 marks alone should be the basis for Higher Education admission.
He also said that NEET deprives opportunities for rural students as the majority study in their mother language (Tamil) and do not have resources and access to the coaching institutions. Also, the ongoing pandemic situation makes it a threat to students health and well being.
Also Read:NEET dispensable says Panel report, DMK govt to pass resolution in assembly seeking exemption
Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has informed the Tamil Nadu Health Minister that four more cities in Tamil Nadu - Chengalpet, Virudhunagar, Dindigul, and Tiruppur - have been added to the list of the places where NEET(UG) exams will be conducted for the convenience of students.