Chennai: Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Chief Minister K Palaniswami and leaders of political parties on Thursday extended their greetings to the people on the eve of Deepavali.
In his wishes, Purohit said Deepavali signified the triumph of hope over despair, good over evil and light over darkness.
"On this auspicious and joyous occasion, I extend my warm greetings and good wishes to the people of Tamil Nadu," he added.
"May this festival bring happiness, prosperity, harmony, peace and good health in our state and the whole nation. May the power of good and brightness always prevail," the Governor said.
Palaniswami, in his greetings, said Deepavali marked "the rule of dharma and fall of arrogance, the disappearance of darkness, birth of wisdom, and a day that brimmed with joy and pleasantness."
The Chief Minister wished the people health, wealth and joy in their lives.