Chennai: In a major reshuffle, the Tamil Nadu government transferred about 40 IAS officers and created new posts on a temporary basis for a period of one year. The government created a temporary post of additional chief secretary/ project director, Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation Project in the Chief Secretary grade for one year with effect from the date of appointment or till the need for it ceases, whichever is earlier, a government order said late Monday night.
The government created a temporary post of principal secretary/commissioner of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (training) in the higher administrative grade of IAS for one year. Similar temporary posts were sanctioned in the Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, Information Technology and Digital Services, an officer on special duty in the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR & CE) department, special secretary in the School Education Department, Industries, Investment Promotion and Commerce department, planning and development department in the super time scale of IAS for one year.