Chennai:The Tamil Nadu government and five District Collectors have approached the Madras High Court challenging the summons issued to the Collectors by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with its probe under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act into alleged illegal sand mining in the state.
The petition filed by state public department secretary K Nanthakumar on behalf of the District Collectors of Ariyalur, Vellore, Thanjavur, Karur and Tiruchirapalli, is likely to come up for hearing on November 27.
TN govt challenges ED summons to Collectors over sand mining probe in HC
Public department secretary K Nanthakumar filed a plea in the High Court on behalf of the District Collectors challenging the summons issued by the ED.
TN govt challenges ED summons to Collectors over sand mining probe in HC
Published : Nov 25, 2023, 4:01 PM IST
In his petition, Nanthakumar submitted that in the garb of investigation, the ED has resorted to issuing summons to District Collectors, asking for information on all sand mines in their district in a fishing and roving inquiry. (PTI)