Namakkal: Police have busted a fake marriage racket wherein a woman has duped several men on the pretext of marrying them in Tamil Nadu's Namakkal district. The accused woman has been identified as Sandhya. Police said the arrest was made following a complaint by one of her victims Dhanapal who alleged that she decamped with valuables including jewelry after staging a marriage with him through a broker.
Dhanapal who hails from the Kallipalayam area near Paramathivellore of Namakkal district said he married Sandhya (26 ) from Madurai district on September 7, with only a few selected people from her side attending the marriage. Dhanapal said he had given Rs 1.5 lakhs to broker Balamurugan for the purpose.
A few days after the marriage, Sandhya went missing from Dhanpal's house, he said adding the mobile numbers of her and her relatives were switched off when he tried to contact them. Dhanapal lodged a complaint at Paramathi Vellore police regarding this incident. A couple of days later, Dhanpal came across a man in Paramati Vellore carrying the fraudster bride Sandhya's photo.