Vellore (Tamil Nadu):Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday inaugurated over 1,500 newly built houses in 19 Sri Lankan Tamils Rehabilitation Camps spread across 13 districts of the state. Stalin inaugurated 220 houses at the Melmonavur Camp here and interacted with the beneficiaries of the housing scheme. In total, 1,591 houses, constructed at a cost of Rs 79.70 crore, were inaugurated by the Chief Minister.
He declared open through video conference new houses in 12 other districts, which includes Tiruvannamalai, Tiruchirappalli, Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Virudhunagar and Sivaganga. He also spoke to beneficiaries in other districts through a video link. When Stalin spoke to them, beneficiaries expressed satisfaction on the availability of basic amentities. Anganwadi, library, Public Distribution System outlet are also available, they said.