Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Friday ordered payment of Rs 2,000 as first instalment to all ration card holders eligible to get rice as coronavirus impact relief. He also announced a cut in Aavin milk rate and free travel for women in state-run buses, all promises made by his DMK ahead of the April 6 Assembly elections.
Issuing his first set of orders after taking over as CM, Stalin also announced bringing covid treatment in private hospitals under a government insurance scheme, to provide succour to such people, an official release here said.
It recalled the party's promise of providing Rs 4,000 for rice ration card holders to aid citizens affected due to the pandemic and help them with their livelihood.
"To implement that, the Chief Minister has signed the order to provide the first instalment of Rs 2,000 in May itself at Rs 4,153.69 crore, covering 2,07,67,000 ration card holders," it said.
Also Read: MK Stalin takes oath as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister