Thanjavur:In a tragic incident, three people from Kerala were killed and 41 others injured on Sunday after the tourist bus carrying them overturned in Tamil Nadu's Velankanni. The accident took place in the early hours of Sunday. The victims were part of a group of 51 people from Kerala's Thrissur and they left their native place on Saturday evening for visiting the Velankanni Church in Tamil Nadu. Fire and Rescue Department personnel from Orathanadu and Mannargudi areas reached the spot and rescued the victims.
A woman and an eight-year-old child are among the dead. According to the information, the bus overturned while negotiating a sharp curve at a place near Velankanni. The pilgrims suspect that the bus driver must have fallen asleep. The bodies were shifted to the Orthanadu Government General Hospital for post-mortem. The injured were rushed to the Thanjavur Government Medical College Hospital. Later, a police team headed by Orathanadu DSP Prasanna and Police Inspector Anbazagan launched a probe into the accident.