Kanyakumari: In a tragic incident, two people died when three individuals, including a woman, were unexpectedly engulfed by a colossal sea wave on Tamil Nadu's Kanyakumari beach on Sunday. Tragically, two of them lost their lives, while the third was rescued and is currently receiving medical treatment. An investigation into the incident is being conducted by both the Kanyakumari police and the Coast Guard.
The ill-fated group consisted of ten individuals, including Mani (30), Suresh (30), and Bindu (25), all employed at a private company in Bengaluru's Techno Park area, Karnataka. They arrived in Kanyakumari on Saturday and checked into a private hotel. On Sunday, they decided to explore the picturesque Kovalam beach area in Kanyakumari.
While at the beach, all ten members ventured into the sea for a leisurely swim. Unfortunately, Mani, Suresh, and Bindu ventured deeper into the sea, seemingly undeterred by the strong tide. It was during this time that a massive wave surged towards them, trapping all three. The cries for help from other beachgoers alerted nearby tourists.