Tiruppur (Tamil Nadu): The Tiruppur district administration and the police said that the videos showing attacks on migrant laborers from north India are fake and action will be taken against those spreading these fake videos. A committee has also been formed under the leadership of Tiruppur Additional Superintendent of Police (ADSP) to check the spreading of rumors that Tiruppur is being unkind towards migrant laborers from north India.
Videos fake- District Collector Vineeth said the spread of fake videos of attacks on migrant workers has spread a wave of fear among them and the migrant laborers are going back to their states. "This has affected a lot of industries including knitwear production in the district. The district administration will take action against those found guilty of spreading fake videos. Five volunteers who can speak different languages have also been involved in this so that there is no language barrier," he said.
Helplines- Deputy Commissioner of Police (City) Abhishek Gupta said videos showing that Tiruppur is not safe for migrant workers from states like Bihar are false. Two helpline numbers have been made available for the migrant workers through which they can report any complaint to the district and the city police. The two helpline numbers are- 04212970017 and 9498101320."