Tenkasi: Police on Thursday claimed to have cracked a blind murder case in Tenkasi district of Tamil Nadu by arresting a young woman along with her mother and brother, officials said. The accused have been identified as Pachiyammal, her mother Ishakiyammal and brother Thangapandi. The trio was arrested by the Tamil Nadu Police from Coimbatore where they were hiding after the alleged murder.
The arrests have been made in connection with the recovery of a skeleton from the septic tank of one Narayanan at Ilattur area in Tenkasi district on Jun. 4. Following the incident, Iattur police registered a case and launched an investigation into the matter. The skeleton was later found to be that of missing youth Madhu alias Madasamy from Ilattur area, whose family had lodged a missing complaint with the Ilattur Police Station.
The DNA sampling of the skeleton confirmed it to be that of Madhu. A police official said that the day when college student Madhu went missing, the arrested accused, also hailing from the same area went to Coimbatore. Accordingly, the Ilattur Police team rushed to Coimbatore and took Pachiyammal, her mother Ishakiyammal and her brother Thangapandi into custody.