Nilgiri (Tami Nadu): In a concerning turn of events, two tigers have been found dead in the picturesque Nilgiris Forest, specifically in the Emerald beat, Avalanche section of the Udhagai South Range. The discovery has sent shockwaves through the conservation community and wildlife enthusiasts.
First Tiger- The older of the two tigers, approximately 8 years old and identified as a male, showed no external injuries. Astonishingly, all body parts, including canines and nails, remained intact. Further investigation is underway, with samples collected for forensic and toxicology analysis. The stomach contents contained a mix of hair and fluid, suggesting a mysterious demise.
Second Tiger - A younger tiger, approximately 3 years old and also male, displayed external injuries on its back and neck. A fracture of the vertebral column was observed, indicating a possible scuffle with another tiger. Like the first tiger, all body parts, including canines and nails, were undisturbed. The stomach contents contained porcupine quills, hair, and remnants of prey species. Samples have been collected for forensic and toxicology analysis to uncover the full story.
In close proximity to the tiger discovery site, a suspected cattle carcass was found. Samples have been collected for laboratory analysis to determine if there is any connection between the tiger deaths and the cattle carcass.