Pudhukottai:In a shocking incident reported from Tamil Nadu's Pudhukottai, a 13-year-old girl was allegedly ‘sacrificed’ (murdered) by her father on the advice of an occultist a few days ago in Kandhravakottai area. The accused father has been arrested by police on Tuesday.
The deceased girl has been identified as Vidya, daughter of Paneer of the same locality.
According to sources, the incident came to light around two, three days ago when the father approached the police and filed a complaint that her daughter was allegedly abducted from his house, raped by unidentified miscreants and later, killed.
Acting on a tip-off, police started investigating into the incident and a team of forensic experts summoned from Pudhukottai collected evidence from the crime scene. Later, police began suspecting the father’s involvement after interrogating other people of the locality.