Chennai: On a day when the Enforcement Directorate officials arrested Tamil Nadu Electricity Minister Senthil Balaji, the Tamil Nadu government has withdrawn the general consent given to the probe agency Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to investigate the cases in the state without prior permission from it.
A government order to this effect was issued Wednesday and the same was communicated to the media in an official statement citing that states like West Bengal, Rajasthan, Kerala, Mizoram, Punjab and Telangana have already withdrawn the general consent accorded to the CBI.
"Tamil Nadu Government withdraws general consent given to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The central agency, CBI should get permission from Tamil Nadu Government to investigate in the state. This has been done already in West Bengal, Rajasthan, Kerala, Mizoram, Punjab and Telangana," Tamil Nadu Home Department said in the communique.
According to Section 6 of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946, the CBI is supposed to get permission from the respective State before investigating any case in the state. Tamil Nadu has become a tenth state to withdraw the general consent accorded for CBI to probe cases in the state. The other states include Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Meghalaya.