Tenkasi:Tamil Nadu police arrested a youth from Kerala on charges of alleged sexual assault on a female railway gate keeper while she was on duty recently in Tenkasi district, officials said on Monday. Police identified the suspect as Anish (28), who works as a painter in Tenkasi and its adjoining areas.
As per officials, the accused was arrested by a special team of Tamil Nadu Police from Vazhavilai, Padnapuram Taluk, Kollam District, Kerala on Sunday. He has been brought to Tamil Nadu to face the trial in the case. The alleged assault took place on the night of Feb. 17. The victim who is also a native from Kerala and has been working as a gate keeper at a railway gate in Tenkasi district.
According to the woman, on Feb. 17, an unidentified man barged inside the staff room and tried to sexually assault her. When she tried to resist the assault, the suspect hit her with the phone receiver from the room on her head and injured her before he scooted away.