
Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister tests +ve for COVID-19


Published : Jun 30, 2020, 6:44 PM IST

MIOT International Hospital has confirmed that Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister K P Anbalagan has tested positive for COVID-19 during his second test after he developed a mild cough. The hospital also stated that the minister is responding to the treatment well and is at a very stable condition.

K P Anbalagan
K P Anbalagan

Chennai:Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister K P Anbalagan has tested positive for coronavirus, a hospital said here on Tuesday.

The minister initially showed no symptoms and his CT scan was normal, but as a precautionary measure he was kept under observation, MIOT International hospital said in a statement.

"Subsequently, his second sample tested positive for COVID-19. He developed a mild cough on June 29 and is being treated for the same," the hospital said, adding that the minister is "at present very stable and all vital parameters are normal."

The minister, holding the portfolios of higher education including technical education, electronics, science and technology, has been undergoing treatment at the hospital for about a week, sources said.

PTI report

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