Tenkasi (TN): A female employee from Kerala, working as a gatekeeper at Bhavoorchatram railway gate here, has alleged that she was sexually harassed on Thursday night. Police have launched a manhunt to nab the accused and registered a case into the incident. As per the victim, the incident happened late night on Thursday February 16 near the railway gate located on the Tenkasi-Tirunelveli main road.
As mentioned in the complaint, the aggrieved employee said she was on duty as usual last night when an unidentified person suddenly barged into the gatekeeper's room and tried to sexually assault her. When she tried to resist the assault, the man hit her on her head with the receiver of the phone in the room, she alleged.
She said that she raised a hue and cry after which the attacker fled from the spot. The fellow employees and visitors soon came into the room where they found the female employee injured. She was later admitted to a private hospital in Pavurchatra for treatment. On notice, Bhavoorchatram police and railway police rushed to the spot to probe the case.