Ramanathapuram (Tamil Nadu):In a joint operation, the Indian Coast Guard alongside personnel from Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Chennai, on Thursday seized a gold consignment weighing 17.74 kg from the Mandapam area of the district, near the Rameswaram sea-shore. The gold, with a market price of approximately Rs 10.5 crore was rescued from the seabed during a diving operation while it was being smuggled via the sea route from Sri Lanka, said a Defence release.
Based on intelligence reports informing officials of the smuggling attempt that would see a local gang try to secure huge quantities of gold from Sri Lanka using fishing boats, a joint team comprising officials from both the Indian Coast Guard and the DRI was deployed on board boat C-432 in the early hours of February 8, the release also noted.
Also read:Maharashtra: DRI seized smuggled gold worth Rs 22 crore in suburban Andheri
Inputs had also revealed that three persons in the boat would collect the gold in high seas and land on the coast of Mandapam. However, despite the fishing boat being identified and intercepted after a chase by Rigid Inflatable Boats from the Cost Guard ship, the document stated that the gold was untraceable upon nabbing suspects. "On rummaging the boat, suspected contraband was not found and it was suspected that the same was thrown overboard during interception" the release added.
"Therefore, a diving operation was conducted by the ICG team in the probable area and a consignment of 17.74 kg gold was recovered from the seabed. The fishing boat along with 3 crew have been handed over to Coastal Security Group, Mandapam for further legal action," it also said. The seized gold, found inside a towel, included 14 packages of foreign-origin gold in various forms - including bars, chains etc. The seizure was carried out under provisions of Customs Act, 1962.