Chennai: Thoothukudi District Collector Dr K Senthil Raj honoured a 24-year-old man and gave him a job as a car driver temporarily on Friday for saving a child, who fell into the strong currents of Old Courtallam Falls. The incident took place last year in December in Courtallam of Tamil Nadu's Tenkasi district. According to sources, Vijayakumar (24), a resident of Vilathikulam in Thoothukudi, was working as a taxi driver in the area. He was on a trip to Courtallam in December last year when the incident happened. At that time, Harini, an eight-year-old girl from Palakkad in Kerala slipped and fell into the water while taking a bath with her family in the waterfalls and got stuck between the rocks.
After seeing the incident, Vijayakumar immediately jumped into the steep gorge and picked up the child, who was reeling in the strong current and brought her to safety within a few minutes. The people present at the spot appreciated Vijayakumar's brave attempt. A video of the incident went viral on social media.