Tamil Nadu: In a touching demonstration of compassion, MK Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, has written a heartfelt letter to the Manipur government, vowing to provide essential relief materials worth Rs 10 crores for the victims of ethnic violence in the troubled state.
In a remarkable display of compassion and solidarity, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has penned a heartfelt letter to the Manipur government, pledging essential relief materials worth Rs 10 crores for the victims of ethnic violence in the strife-torn state. As more than 50,000 Tamil Nadu residents living in Manipur have been displaced and were forced to take refuge in makeshift camps, the gesture comes as a glimmer of hope during these trying times.
Expressing his gratitude to Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh for the support and care extended to the affected people from Tamil Nadu residing in camps, Chief Minister MK Stalin's letter highlighted the need for immediate action to alleviate their suffering. The situation in Manipur has been dire, with more than 100 lives lost and numerous others injured in the ethnic clashes that began on May 3.
Understanding the gravity of the crisis, Tamil Nadu's government is eager to provide much-needed assistance, including tarpaulin sheets, bed sheets, mosquito nets, medicines, sanitary napkins, and milk powder, essential for the well-being of those seeking shelter in the relief camps. The relief materials, subject to the concurrence of the Manipur government, will be swiftly dispatched to the affected areas, with the possibility of air-lifting if the need arises.